

Are dumplings that are most often filled with "ruskie" "ruskie" meaning "ruthenian" - with curd cheese and potato, meat, cabbage, mushroom, bilberries, apples, and strawberries. the fruit pierogi are usually served with cream and sugar.


Is a soup made with beetroot -- very savory.

Kraków's cuisine has been influenced by the cultures that have inhabited central Europe, as well as the Austro-Hungarian empire.

The most important dish from Kraków is obwarzanek bagel. You can buy it in many stall on the streets. Another local specialité is oscypek - cheese from Tatra Mountains.

If you want to try Polish cuisine for outstandingly good-value prices a big lunch for one person for about 8PLN then find a 'Bar Mleczny' a milk bar - a kind of cafeteria very prevalent in Communist times so called because it serves no alcohol. You can find one on the right side of Ul. Grodzka if you are going from Rynek Glowny. They offer classic Polish food such as 'kroketka'. An English-Polish dictionary is recommended when ordering.



Is another beetroot soup, served cold as a refreshing summer dish. it makes use of the beetroot greens as well as the roots, and is flavoured with gherkins, dill and sour cream.

You won't see this in most guides, but one of the true joys of a trip to Krakow is a visit to the kiełbasa van. Basically, it's these two gruff Polish men who, every night from 8PM-3AM, set up a fire grill outside of their van parked in front of the market east of the Old Town near the train bridge and grill kielbasa. For 8 PLN, you get your sausage, roll and a squirt of mustard, stand at the perch nearby and chow down with the locals in-the-know. It is delicious, especially after a night of exploring Krakow's bars. A fun experience free of the usual tourist crush and off the main path ul. Grzegórzecka, opposite ul. Blich

By far one of the most popular street foods in Krakow is the zapiekanka which is a large open-faced baguette with baked toppings traditionally cheese, mushrooms, and a lot of condiments like ketchup or garlic sauce. The best, and most popular, location for zapiekanki is on the Plac Nowy market in Kazimierz. It is busiest at night on the weekends where you can purchase them until the early hours of the morning.

In Krakow, like other Polish cities, there are a fair amount of "Chinese-Vietnamese" restaurants. Many have Polish employees who have never heard of Pho, none SERVE Pho, and ALMOST none serve even remotely decent Chinese and/or Vietnamese food. I know it's tempting, but you'd do far better to look for decent Polish food. It is true, these so-called "Chinski" or Orientalski Bars have awful food.


Is a soup based on fermented rye - it's sour and creamy and often has slices of kielbasa sausage or a hard-boiled egg added.